I am continually amazed at all the headlines in most liberal/progressive newspapers and on social media platforms proclaiming. “Anti-war” protests continue to expand on college campuses! What? Let’s call a spade a spade. Didn’t you mean to say “pro-terrorism” displays and gatherings? Hurry! Uncrate Jane Fonda from the mothballs and prepare the photo-op up on the turret. Communism and fascism are alive and well, again on our university campuses and being gleefully embraced by proponents of the “fundamental change of America” philosophers along with scores of college professors. We all know who is pulling the strings on our beloved demented puppet calling himself the commander in chief. The only differences evident in this zombie apocalypse now between the frenzied animation, mass hysteria, and manic behavior of the past are that the new participants are pitching more fashionable tents and hoisting sturdier mass-produced protest signs. Modern protestors are wearing newer designer jeans and tie-dye shirts emblazoned with better indelible ink. Let’s face it. Hamas, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, ISIL, and the PLO hold the major league trophies for atrocities, torture and annihilation of human life compared to the Viet Cong army of the sixties. At least the VC had a focused mission to make Vietnam whole again. Not tear it apart. This isn’t your mamma’s average “peaceful college campus protest”. To say ignorance is bliss among the clueless participants is an overwhelming understatement. Most of these protestors think they are going to a flash mob for a photo-op! Antifa has nothing on these Soros backed boneheads. Calling police “pigs”? Really! What a joke to serious minded freedom lovers. I am personally sick and tired of disparaging remarks regarding attempts to Make America Great Again. In many people’s opinion including me. MAGA GOOD. HAMAS BAD. These naysayers to Democracy don’t even know how to spell Holocaust. Survivor is not just a reality show. Ask a real survivor and ask them what they think of the calls for a new one. WAKE UP sleepers in our population. Let’s shout from the mountain tops. Arise “silent majority”! It is time to open your mouths and get over fearing any wrath for the tiny-minded race baiting liberals and their ilk. Speak up and stop the downward slide of our Republic before it is too late. Let’s not get outplayed again in the upcoming freedom sweepstakes in November. Show the liberals that we can be just as devious and underhanded as they are. VOTE for the survival of our Country. Our grandchildren, great grandchildren, and future civilization in America. Democracy deserves it. Build a wall! Egypt has one on the border from Israel. Put blame where blame belongs.
THOMAS ANTKOW is currently a freelance writer and produced and hosted his own daily radio show on KCSF AM 1300 and co-hosted talk shows for KVOR AM 740 for Cumulus Broadcasting in Colorado Springs. He can be reached at taradio863@gmail.com