I embrace Capitalism, Free Enterprize, Personal Choice, Small Government and Entrepreneurism. Those principals have always been my guiding light.
Personal Freedom. (NOTE: In November 2012, Colorado legalized marijuana for adults over age 21 by passing Amendment 64 to the Colorado Constitution). When I was a resident of Colorado, I read an article about how entrepreneur brothers discovered a way to grow a hybrid form of marijuana that lowered the THC level (minimizing the Psychotropic effect) and increasing the CBD (non-Psychotropic effect). CBD was/is the apparent beneficial portion of MJ without getting the user “HIGH”. Hemp products also contain THC. Although in much lower amounts. The final product when processed in “liquid or pill form” had an amazing effect on reducing the devasting seizure activity in young children suffering from that disorder. The reason that liquid or pill form was the recommended delivery device and not inhalation was that although pills and liquid had a slower release rate into the blood stream and brain, they were the safest, most convenient and practical way to absorb the beneficial elements. After extensive research it appears that CBD may offer beneficial outcomes in “some” medical applications. Research is still ongoing. We have tons of research on THC. The explosion in the CBD industry began.
From the use of MJ among Mexican immigrant farm workers in the early 1900’s to the glorification of toking by Author Jack Karouac’s character, Sal Paradise inspiring “Hippism” into the Denver and Boulder Colorado areas, Pot has been transformed into an acceptable means of escaping reality.
I am not opposed to individual freedom. It is baked into our heritage. I am extremely wary of the downsides I have witnessed “post legalization”. For example. Inability to maintain concentration. Edible poisoning. Distractibility or “Zoning out” while driving. The “Jeff Spicoli effect" on teen learning. Black markets. Illegal grow operations. Gang infestation. Influx of competing drug cartels. Increased crime. Juvenile accessibility. Homelessness. Profiteering. Political greed from local “leaders”. Gateway complications for folks with low impulse control or addictive personality disorders. Vaping in schools. Unfortunately, like alcohol the downsides outweigh the benefits. The negative outcomes have all been documented and proven to be true. Do we really need to explore this slippery slope of legalization consequences here in Tennessee? Unfortunately, it appears that with the influx of “newcomers” to our State legalization is just over the political horizon. It all began with legalizing medical MJ and licensing dispensaries. We already have establishments like “TOKERS” with a foothold on the CBD trade. What next. In my opinion any products that contain more than 0.3% of THC or proven to cause a psychotropic effect should ONLY be dispensed in liquid or pill form or require a doctor’s prescription. Wish to partake legally or illegally? Stay off of the roads while behind the wheel. Rack your bikes. Put away your skateboards, electric scooters and walk. Stick to your couches and enjoy the munchies. Promote Hemp for textiles, clothing and cash crops and stop smoking it.
THOMAS ANTKOW is currently a freelance writer and produced and hosted his own daily radio show on KCSF AM 1300 and co-hosted talk shows for KVOR AM 740 for Cumulus Broadcasting in Colorado Springs. He can be reached at taradio863@gmail.com